New WIT Leadership

Hello WIT!

2024 is already halfway over! This year just seems to be flying by and a lot of change is in the air.

WIT Leadership Changes

We’ve had some recent changes to our user group. First, Mala Mahadaven and Leslie Andrews have both stepped down from the leadership. We know this was not an easy decision for them because both of them are so passionate about women in tech and the work this group does. On behalf of the whole community, we want to say a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU for all of the hard work that Mala and Leslie put into running this group for the past several years. We wish them both the best of luck going forward and we look forward to working with them on future events!

This means we have new user group leaders stepping in. Josephine Bush had joined before Mala and Leslie left and she is continuing to be one of the user group leaders. She is now joined by Tracy Boggiano and Deborah Melkin. The three of us have some lofty goals for the upcoming year and we look forward to working with everyone in the Data Platform WIT community to help achieve them.

Upcoming Events

We’re excited for the PASS Data Community Summit in November. Our favorite session: the WIT Luncheon with a community keynote speaker. Stay tuned for the announcement as to who that speaker will be.

There are also a lot of community events coming up on the calendar. Make sure you check out all of the amazing WIT speakers on the schedules. If you are an event organizer and are looking to get more WIT speakers involved, let us know and we can help amplify your call for speakers.

Want to find out more?

If you haven’t joined our Meetup yet, please sign up to stay in the know with new events as they are announced. We’re also working on a refresh of our website so bear with us as we make the changes. We have a long list of things to accomplish and we’re hoping to ramp up over the next several months. So, keep a watch out for exciting things coming your way. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

We can’t do this alone, so we hope you’ll join us on this next phase of our user group. We’re looking forward to the second half of 2024. We hope you are too!

Josephine, Deborah and Tracy

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